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Message from our Executive Director

Dr. Emanuel Vincent

Dear Aurum Prep Community,


As we advance through this academic year at Aurum Preparatory Academy, our collective commitment to excellence in education shines ever brighter. With each day, we are inspired by the remarkable achievements of our students, from innovative community service projects that perfectly embody our GOLD values of growth, optimism, leadership, and design to our academic excellence..


Hearing from you and our families about the positive impact of these experiences fills us with pride. It reinforces the importance of our mission: to prepare students for academic success and ethical leadership, welcoming every child’s unique journey.


Here’s How You Can Engage More Deeply with Our School Community:


  • Join Us at Upcoming Events: Mark your calendars for our next parent-teacher conference and the upcoming community service day. These events are a fantastic way to connect with the Aurum Prep family and see firsthand the incredible work our students are doing.

  • Share Your Story: We love hearing how Aurum Prep has impacted your family. Consider sharing your story at the next PTA meeting or write to us. Your experiences inspire and motivate our community.

  • Provide Your Feedback: Your insights are invaluable to us. Please let us know how we can continue to improve.


We recognize our challenges together, from adapting to new learning technologies to ensuring our students' well-being in these unprecedented times. Your feedback, support, and involvement are crucial as we navigate these challenges, striving to offer the best for our students.


Expressing Our Sincere Gratitude:


Thank you to all our parents and guardians for your ongoing support and dedication. Your engagement is critical to not just nurturing academic excellence but also to shaping the leaders of tomorrow. Whether volunteering, participating in school events, or sharing your Aurum Prep experience, every action contributes to our vibrant community.


For any questions, concerns, or ideas, please do not hesitate to contact me directly at Let's make this year a landmark in our journey towards excellence.


With deepest appreciation,​

Dr. Emanuel Vincent

Executive Director

Aurum Preparatory Academy Charter School

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